offers hours of entertainment to kick back and relax with hundreds if HD channels, movies and series. Plus, cable offers better value than satellite with fewer weather-related interruptions and less equipment making it more convenient to use. Bundle it up with high-speed internet and you can browser way faster than on DSL. Additional perks include; has pulled together some interesting facts about Cable TV in Colorado. Did you know that half the population now stream their favorite shows on the internet and 10 percent use their DVRs regularly? To top that, almost 98 percent of the population in Colorado still watches live television broadcast. This accounts to about 2.4 million people.
Like Castle and Beckett from "Castle," cable TV and Internet in Colorado are inseparable. High quality Internet is now in almost 75 percent of residence in the Centennial state, up from 71 percent than the year before. Colorado is ranked 21st in the whole nation with over 1.6 million users with 5-10 Mbps internet speed.
Colorado is home to some of the most popular celebrities. Some of these celebrities include Tim Allen who is very well known for his lead role on Home Improvement in the 90s as well as Last Man Standing.
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